FREE 04 Sep 2020
TEMPOROMANDIBULAR JOINT (JAW JOINT) Q.1 What type of joint is a temporomandib...
FREE 04 Sep 2020
Cervical Vertebrae (Viva) Q.1 What are the differences between cervical, thorac...
FREE 04 Sep 2020
MANDIBLE Q.1 Name the structures transmitted by mental foramen. Mental nerve...
FREE 04 Sep 2020
Skull Bones (Viva) Q.1 What is the total number of bones in the skull? Twenty-...
FREE 09 Aug 2020
BLOOD VESSELS OF HEAD AND NECK Q.1 What are the branches of the subclavian ar...
FREE 09 Aug 2020
EYE Q.1 Name the different layers of the eye. Outer or fibrous coat consis...
FREE 09 Aug 2020
ORBIT Q.1 Name the different layers of the eyelid. Skin Superficial fasci...