Privacy and Policy
Emedicodiary cares a lot about the privacy of any users who will visit our site. Any user who visits our site needs to provide some useful information. We have different ways to collect information from the user. We will utilize all those informations in a good manner under certain laws. We will protect all your privacy.
Before using our site you have to accept our policy. Please try to read all the privacy and policy carefully. Your acceptance of our privacy and policy considered the first use of our site. If you don’t accept our privacy and policy or you disagree. You must stop using our site.
Way of collection of data
We collect data from users in a certain way:-
- While signing up
- Cookies
Sign up
While signup users have to provide some useful information.
- Name:-
- College name:-
- Country name:-
- Email:-
- College name:-
All this information is your property. It's our responsibility to provide privacy to that information and It's your right to preserve your privacy. By respecting your right we will take all those valuable steps to protect your privacy.
We have used cookies in certain parts of our website. Through that we may collect some that too. Some of our affiliate or advertising partners may also use cookies licenses.
How do we use that data?
We will use your data in some useful work. It will be beneficial for you and us.
- To manage your account.
- Providing and managing subscription plan.
- To manage individual requirements as per your experience.
- To set up a way of communication.
- To notify you about our content after the subscription.
- To research about user interest.
- To bring improvement in the content gathering your feedback.
How and where do we share your data?
Your data will be collected as long as we need it. We will only collect after your permission or after accepting our terms and condition. We will share your data in a legal way. If there will be an issue. If the law requires it. We will give full protection to your privacy in an electronic way as well as in a mechanical way.
About third parties
We may need the support of a third party. At that time we may provide data to them. To provide and supply the product and services to you on your behalf. It includes the payment process while distributing prizes, at the time of marketing and advertising. If any party will require all that then at that time we will provide them. For that we will take all the responsible steps to preserve data carefully. We will hand over in such case if they will handle it safely, securely by preserving your right.
Can the user edit their information?
User can edit their information at any time. All the information that you have to provide during sign up can be edit later.
What happens if privacy and policy change?
We may change our policy according to the situation or as per the addition of additional features on our site. In that condition we will try to inform all the users in a friendly manner. We will try our best to satisfy with our new privacy and policy. We will post information on our home page to read our new privacy and policy after the re-write.
What will we do If we go to a merger?
If we will go to a merger then we will try to follow the same privacy and policy which are mentioned above. If we have to bring changes in our privacy and policy then we will inform all the users through our official Facebook page. We will be responsible to preserve your privacy by making some bound with the merger site.
Can a user collect their information when they need it?
Yes, a user can collect the information by contacting us. If any user forgets their user name or at the time of need of their personal information. if they are a member of our site then they can easily contact us. In that case we will try to verify the user. We will ask some questions for personal verification. If the user is contacting us through their own email which was used at the time of sign up then without any offense we will provide information of that user.
Books we published in our Book category, are not owned by us. We downloaded it from other websites and used for informational purpose only. If anyone has offense with those books pdf format regarding copyright claim, one can simply contact us in Facebook, Gmail regarding the matters. We are ready to delete all those copyright contents in our Book Category.