MBBS 1st Year Question CVS questions and the respiratory system questions

MBBS 1st Year Question CVS questions and the respiratory system questions

CVS questions

  1. Describe any two properties of cardiac muscle.
  2. List the properties of cardiac muscle.
  3. Name the junctional tissue of the heart.
  4. Why the SA node is called a pacemaker?
  5. Junctional tissue of heart, the conduction velocity of heart, generation of impulse.
  6. How cardiac impulse is generated and transmitted through the heart?
  7. What is AV nodal delay?
  8. Define the cardiac cycle. Draw a diagram to show the different events of the cardiac cycle.
  9. What are the changes associated with the cardiac cycle?
  10. Define cardiac cycle time.
  11. What is the physiological basis of the causation of heart sound?
  12. Significance of first and second heart sounds.
  13. Define cardiac output with an equation. Normal value
  14. Measurement of cardiac output by Ficks principle.
  15. Short notes on:
  16. EDV
  17. Factors affecting EDB
  18. SV
  19. ESV
  20. CNS ischemic response
  21. Pulse
  22. ECG
  23. Shock
  24. Sinus arrhythmia
  25. Cardiac cycle
  26. A-V nodal delay.
  27. Bleeding disorder
  28. Plasma protein
  29. Shock
  30. Osmosis
  31. Ventilation
  32. Define SV, EDV, and ESB, with their normal value.
  33. Define blood pressure. Types and normal value.
  34. A young man has 3pt 130/70 ft. What will be his pulse pressure and mean pressure?
  35. What precautions should be taken during the measurement of BP?
  36. Regulation of BP by renin-angiotensin-aldosterone mechanism.
  37. What is the heart rate? The normal value of different ages.
  38. Define ECG. Draw level and interpret a normal ECG.
  39. Clinical importance of ECG.
  40. Importance of PR interval.
  41. When the PR interval is 15 mm in ECG tracing what will be the HR?
  42. Define a heart block.
  43. Functional classification of the vascular system.
  44. Define shock.
  45. Write the body responses to hypovolemic shock.
  46. Effect of exercise on heart rate.
  47. What are the changes that take place during exercise?
  48. Blood vessels of functional point of view.
  49. Discuss the ventricular pressure changes with the diagram.
  50. What is heart sound?
  51. Factors controlling cardiac output.
  52. Ventricular changes during the cardiac cycle.
  53. Why does ventricular systole begin just after atrial systole?
  54. Venous return with normal value.
  55. Write the relation between cardiac cycle time and heart rate.
  56. What is the whole heart diastole? What is Gold Blatt's hypertension?

the respiratory system questions ( Respiratory system )

  1. The metabolic and endocrine function of the lungs.
  2. Define respiration. Define external and internal respiration.
  3. Basic Mechanism of Pulmonary Ventilation.
  4. Name the normal muscles of respiration. And state the role of each of them.
  5. Diagram showing intrapulmonary intrapleural pressure changes during inspiration expiration.
  6. Define pulmonary and alveolar ventilation equations.
  7. Shorts note on:
  8. Surfactant
  9. Chloride shift
  10. Acclimatization
  11. Cheyne-stokes breathing
  12. Cyanosis
  13. Hyperapnoea
  14. Apnea
  15. Hering Bruer reflex
  16. Helden effect
  17. Vital capacity
  18. Residual volume
  19. Lung function test
  20. Respiratory unit
  21. Ventilation-perfusion ratio
  22. List the pulmonary volumes and capacities with their normal values.
  23. Draw a spirogram. Showing all the volumes and capacities.
  24. Importance of residual volume.
  25. Define vital capacity. Factors affecting vital capacity.
  26. Draw and label the respiratory membrane. Name the factors affecting gaseous exchange through it.
  27. Mechanism of O2 transport from lungs to tissue.
  28. Draw and label the O2 HB dissociation curve. With explanation
  29. Factors shifting the curve to the right and to the left.
  30. What is P50? Write its significance.
  31. Forms in which CO2 is transported in the blood.
  32. Mechanism of transport of CO2 from tissue to the lung.
  33. Difference between the Bohr effect and the Haldane effect.
  34. List the respiratory centers with their location and function.
  35. Define and give the mechanism of rhythmic breathing.
  36. Explain neural control of respiration.
  37. Define apneas.
  38. Role of CO2/ H+ in the regulation of respiration.
  39. Define hypoxia and classify it.
  40. Describe hypoxia due to cyanide poisoning.
  41. Methods of studying respiratory insufficiency.
  42. What is FEV1? Short of it with importance.
  43. Calculate FEV1//FVC % ratio, if FVC=4.5L and FEV=2.7L and give a comment result, FVC =4.2L.
  44. Define Cyanosis and elastic recoil tendency.
  45. Draw and label the oxyhemoglobin dissociation effect.
  46. What do you mean by the Bohr and Haldane effect?
  47. Define surfactant
  48. What is oxidation and oxygenation? Write down 4 oxygenation reactions of Hb with O2.
  49. What are the methods used to study respiratory insufficiency?
  50. Name the forms in which oxygen is transported in the blood.

the respiratory system questions | CVS questions