Quiz - Emedicodiary
SUBJECT: physiology part 1
Time Left :


Total Questions 30
Total Marks 30
Correct Answer  0
Wrong Answer  0
Overall Score  0


:: Detailed Analysis ::

  1. all are true about parkinson's disease except:

    Correct Answer: intentions tremors

    Your Answer: muscle rigidity
  2. the tremors associated with cerebellar disease are :

    Correct Answer: present with action

    Your Answer: restricted to hands and trunk
  3. first sound occurs during:

    Your Answer: isovolumetric contractions
  4. bitter taste is carried by taste buds located at ...... of tongue

    Correct Answer: back

    Your Answer: middle 1/3rd
  5. pulse pressure is :

    Your Answer: systolic pressure - diastolic pressure
  6. what is the normal pH of blood?

    Your Answer: 7.35-7.45
  7. argyll robertson pupil is seen in :

    Correct Answer: CNS syphilis

    Your Answer: myasthenia gravis
  8. what is correct order of puberty in girls?

    Correct Answer: thelarche-pubarche - menarche

    Your Answer: pubarche-menarche-thelarche
  9. what is the cause for edema in anaphylaxis?

    Your Answer: histamine
  10. which type of ion channel determine the resting membrane potential of a cell?

    Correct Answer: ungated

    Your Answer: voltage - gated
  11. what is the equilibrium potential for ion potassium?

    Your Answer: -95mV