Quiz - Emedicodiary
SUBJECT: Anatomy part 1
Time Left :


Total Questions 30
Total Marks 30
Correct Answer  0
Wrong Answer  0
Overall Score  0


:: Detailed Analysis ::

  1. adductor canal has :

    Correct Answer: saphenous vein

    Your Answer: profunda femoral veins
  2. which of the following muscles is not attached to clavicle?

    Correct Answer: scalene

    Your Answer: deltoid
  3. facial nerve exist through

    Correct Answer: internal acoustic meatus

    Your Answer: foramen spinosum
  4. commonest position of appendix is :

    Correct Answer: retroceacal

    Your Answer: post - ileal
  5. maximum support to uterus is by

    Correct Answer: cardinal ligament

    Your Answer: cervicosacral ligament