Quiz - Emedicodiary
SUBJECT: Anaesthesia ( part 4)
Time Left :


Total Questions 30
Total Marks 30
Correct Answer  0
Wrong Answer  0
Overall Score  0


:: Detailed Analysis ::

  1. cis- atracurium is preferred over atracurium due to advantage of

    Correct Answer: no histamine release

    Your Answer: rapid onset
  2. during reversal of block atropine/ glycolyrrolate is given along with neostigmine to:

    Correct Answer: prevent muscarinic side effects

    Your Answer: increase the potency
  3. You are sitting beside your anaesthesia resident in PAC clinic. While going through the reports, you saw the hemoglobin level was 9 g%. Minimum acceptable hemoglobin level for elective surgery is:

    Your Answer: 10 g %
  4. the cuff of tracheostomy tube should be

    Correct Answer: low pressure high volume

    Your Answer: high pressure low volume
  5. IV anaesthetic of choice for ECT IS

    Your Answer: methohexitone
  6. preoxygenation before induction is done:

    Correct Answer: posterior longitudinal ligament

    Your Answer: supraspinous