MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Clinical Biochemistry and Acid base balance & Disorder

MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Clinical Biochemistry and Acid base balance & Disorder

MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Clinical Biochemistry and Acid base balance & Disorder

Clinical Biochemistry

  1. Define quality control. Components of quality control and common laboratory hazards. How can you maintain quality control in the laboratory?
  2. What do you mean by precision, accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity?
  3. What are the modern techniques in biochemistry?
  4. Mention the principle and function of any two modern techniques.
  5. Enumerate the functions tests.
  6. Give an account of renal function tests.
  7. State the enzymatic tests related to myocardial infarction.
  8. Mention the common hazards and associated safety measures in the clinical laboratory.
  9. Differentiate the type of jaundice.
  10. Interpret the results of secondary hyperparathyroidism and subclinical hypothyroidism.
  11. SN: i) lipids profile ii) lab hazard.
  12. What is the principle of photometrics?
  13. Mention the essential part and operations procedure of photometry.
  14. Define diabetes mellitus. How to diagnose a case of DM.
  15. How serums creatinine bis better markers than serums urea.
  16. Explain the importance of OGTT. How will you prepare a patient for OGTT?
  17. Primary defects, biochemical findings, and compensated of SABD.
  18. Thyroid function tests.
  19. What is proteinuria
  20. Normal and abnormal constitute urine
  21. Diagnostic criteria DM.
  22. How bilirubin is synthesized

Acid-base Balance and Disorders

  1. Mention the acid-base disorders.
  2. Cause and components of respiratory/ metabolic acidosis. How they are compensated.
  3. How the body maintained acid-base balance.
  4. Causes of metabolic acidosis and alkalosis.
  5. Difference between metabolic and respiratory alkalosis/acidosis
  6. Base deficit.
  7. Mention the biochemical change in metabolic acidosis and respiratory Alkalosis with compensation.
  8. Explain acid-base disorders from following date pH=7.25, HCO3=16q/1, PCO2=30mmHg
  9. Why tetany occurs in alkalosis.
  10. A 65, year-old man with diabetes is admitted with lethargy. Laboratory test results in pH=7.24. Evaluate the acid-base status of the patient.
  11. Write the normal acid-base composition of venous blood, and mention the pH, primary event, and mechanism of the composition of simple acid-base disorders.
  12. Name the acid and base produced in the body.
  13. What are the parameters measured during acid-base disorders? Mention their normal values in venous blood.
  14. Define and classify acidosis.
  15. Explain acid-base disorders from the following data [pH-2.5[Hco3]-16 meq/l, pco2-39 mm of Hg]

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