MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Digestion and Absorption(Biochemistry)

MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Digestion and Absorption(Biochemistry)

Digestion and Absorption

Short questions

  1. Name the CHO splitting enzyme
  2. Name the proteolytic enzymes.
  3. Mention the synthesis and function of bile
  4. What do you mean by entering the hepatic circulation of bile?
  5. Enumerate the digestive enzymes present in Mention their substrate and product with a ph range of action.
  6. Name the dietary lipids. How lipids are digested and absorbed.
  7. Name the bile acid and bile salts.
  8. Justify bile as a digestive juice.
  9. What is the enzyme of CHO digestion?
  10. How glucose is absorbed
  11. Enumerate the common digestive juices with their normal pH. Sources and volume
  12. How free energy is related to entropy and enthalpy.
  13. Digestive enzymes present in GIT.

Broad questions

  1. How are end products of fat digestion are absorbed from the intestine, How neutral fat is digested in GIT.
  2. Name the amyl lyrics enzyme of GIT.
  3. Digestion and absorption of CHO.
  4. What are micelles? Movement of the alimentary tract.
  5. How bile is helps in fat digestion and absorption?
  6. What is intrahepatic circulation?
  7. How HCOC3 of pancreatic juices is formed.
  8. Daily secretion PH and composition. Of i) saliva ii) gastric juice iii) pancreatic juices.
  9. How end product of starch and lactose digestion are absorbed?
  10. Short note:
  1. lactose intolerance
  2. structure

   11. lipolysis enzyme in GIT

   12.How dietary starch digested in GIT.

CHO Metabolism

Broad questions

  1. Catabolic pathways of glucose metabolism
  2. Describe glycolysis.
  3. Describe the TCA cycle with a diagram.
  4. Calculate total ATP in the TCA cycle and aerobic glycolysis.
  5. Describe HMP shunt with importance.
  6. Importance of HMP shunt in liver and RBC.
  7. Sources and fates of pyruvic acid in the body.
  8. Sources and fates of acetylcholine
  9. Difference between aerobic and anaerobic and anaerobic glycolysis.
  10. Define gluconeogenesis? What is the substrate for gluconeogenesis? Mention it’s the importance of it.
  11. How many ATP are produced in aerobic and anaerobic glycolysis?
  12. Glucose and amino acid absorption. Importance of anaerobic glycolysis.
  13. The TCA cycle is a common metabolic pathway.
  14. Name the metabolic process that occurs in mitochondria
  15. Give an overview of metabolism.
  16. Mention the irreversible stage of glycolysis
  17. How the TCA cycle is related to the urea cycle. 10 molecules of ATP are 150rm per term of the citric acid cycle. Explain
  18. Why the TCA cycle is called amphibole pathways
  19. Define the respiratory chain. Mention the components of the respiratory chain and how ATP is produced.
  20. Short note: a) core cycle b) gluconeogenesis c) G6PD d) porphyria e) glycogen storages disease.
  21. Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates metabolism. Importance of anaerobic glycolysis
  22. Metabolic pathways that take place in mitochondria
  23. Describe the mechanism of oxidative phosphorylation. What are the reactive oxygen radicals?
  24. How ATP is formed in mitochondria.
  25. Enumerate the high energy compound.
  26. How glucose is synthesized from pyruvate

Protein metabolism

  1. Short note: (a) transamination (b) oxidative deamination (c) fate of amino acid (d) metabolism disposal of ammonia in the body (e) NH4 intoxication f) sources of NH3
  2. Describe the urea cycle including location. The fate of urea. Raw material and the importance of the urea cycle.
  3. Draw with important: Krebs urea cycle
  4. Importance of transaminase. What are the protein splitting enzyme in GIT
  5. What are protein turnovers and amino acid pool
  6. Metabolism of ammonia

Lipids metabolism

Broad questions

  1. Describe B- oxidation of F.A
  2. Importance of cholesterol. Pentose and hexose.
  3. Calculate ATP generation by complete oxidation of palmitic acid.
  4. How ketone bodies are formed
  5. Sources and fates of ketone bodies.
  6. Why 3fatty acid are cardioprotective
  7. How ketone bodies eliminate from the body
  8. Synthesis of cholesterol
  9. Metabolism of a) LDL b) HDL c) chylomicrons
  10. Why ketoacidosis occurs in starvation?
  11. Write down the structure and metabolites fate of chylomicrons
  12. How ketone bodies are synthesized classifies lipids with examples. How TG is digested in GIT

Short questions

  1. Name the ketone bodies
  2. The fate of chylomicrons and structures
  3. How fate burns in the fluid
  4. Formation of chylomicrons
  5. What are the dietary lipids?
  6. What is fatty liver?
  7. Calculate the energy production from 18-carbon fatty acids metabolism
  8. Define the lipids profile. Give their normal range in SI units mention the importance of HDL cholesterol and LDL cholesterol
  9. Describe ketogenesis
  10. Give salient features of cholesterol metabolism
  11. How ketone bodies give energy during starvation
  12. What is lipoprotein? What is its function?
  13. Define and classify porphyria, how harem is synthesized.
  14. How ketone bodies give energy during starvation.
  15. Draw and label the structure of lipoprotein.
  16. What are the fates of cholesterol
  17. Give some conditions characterized by excessive production of ketone bodies. Explain the derangement and consequences of ketosis.
  18. What is metabolic syndrome?
  19. The end product of lipids digestion. How these absorbed

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