MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Nervous System and Special senses (Physiology)
MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Nervous System and Special senses (Physiology)
4 years ago 4333
Nervous system
Brief structural organization of the nervous system.
Describe the major levels of the nervous system.
What factors determine the speed of conduction of nerve impulses?
Classify nerve fiber.
Name the property of nerve fiber.
Briefly discuss the different methods of conduction of nerve impulses through nerve fibers.
Describe the Wallerian degeneration of retrograde degeneration.
Define neurotransmitter. Give a list of neurotransmitters.
Define synapse, and name the component of the synapse.
Describe the properties of the synapse. Property of reflex action.
Outline the pathway of synaptic transmission.
Discuss EPSP and IPSP.
Define receptors, and classify sensory receptors with examples.
Give the difference between receptor potential and action potential.
What is a reflex?
Define reflex arc.
What is a reflex action?
Draw and label a reflex arc.
Describe the pathway of knee jerk.
What is the track? Name the descending motor tract.
Write down the function of the extrapyramidal tract.
Trace the pathway of the direct pyramidal tract.
Describe the features of spinal hemisection below the levels of the lesion.
Describe brown-squared syndrome.
Define upper and lower motor neurons.
Difference between UMN and LMN lesion.
Draw and label a muscle spindle and give it a mechanism.
Name the ascending tracts. The function of the tract of gall and burdach.
How does the cerebellum control voluntary movement?
What is muscle tone? How muscle tone is maintained?
Enumerate the function of the cerebellum.
How body equilibrium is maintained?
What are the signs of the cerebellar lesion?
How does the cerebellum perform the error control mechanism?
Discuss the sleep cycle. What is emotion?
Name the nuclei of the hypothalamus.
Name the general sense. Trace the pathway of pain from the periphery to the center.
Name of the functional part of the cerebellum.
Draw and label the neural circuit of the cerebellum.
Transmission of impulse from the nerve to skeletal muscle.
Difference between slow pain and fast pain.
How is fine touch sensation transmitted from skin to center?
List the types of sensation passes through the dorsal column-meniscal system of the spinal cord.
How do receptors acts?
Name the nervous layer of the retina.
Draw and label synapse.
Give an account of the 2nd messenger activator system in PSN.
Name the sensation that passes through the anterolateral system of spinal and air conductive deafness.
Define and classify neurons.
What are the motion components of the nervous system?
What do you mean by somatic sensation?
state the defects produced by a lesion of optic chiasma and optic tract.
What is the component of the reflex arc?
Write down the reflex arc of knee jerk with its clinical importance.
List the function of the hypothalamus. How is body temperature maintained in a cold climate?
Name the sensation pass through the dorsal column, medial lemniscal and anterolateral system of the spinal cord. Trace the pathway of transmission of impulse produced due to pinprick at the upper limb.
Mention the functional classification of the cerebellum.
Short note on:
Light reflex
Alarm reaction
Strength duration curve.
Stress reflex sympathetic nervous system
Dark adaptation
Reflex phenomenon
Corticospinal tract.
Sensory receptors.
Special senses
Name the different special senses with their organ receptor.
What are the refractory errors of the ball? How do they occur and can be corrected?
Define and classify light reflex.
What is accommodation reaction? What are the advantages?
What are the changes that take place in the eye during accommodation?
Discuss the mechanism of accommodation reflex.
Trace the visual pathway and label it.
Name the effects of lesions at different levels of the visual pathways.
What is Argll-Robertson's pupil?
What do you mean by binocular vision?
Name the photoreceptors, what is a blind spot?
What do you mean by light and dark adaptation?
Describe the physiological changes during the dark adaptation.
Trace the pathway of gearing.
Discuss the modalities of taste sensation.
State the locations of taste buds.
Discuss the pathway of taste sensation.
Draw and label a typical neuron.
What is deafness?
One cannot see distant objects/near objects, clearly mention the error and how to correct it?
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