MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Endocrinology and Reproductive System (Physiology)

MBBS 1st Year Question Collection Of Endocrinology and Reproductive System (Physiology)


  1. Define the hormone. Classify hormones. According to chemical nature, outline the mechanism of each type?
  2. Discuss briefly the mechanism of action of the hormone.
  3. Describe the function of the growth hormone.
  4. How growth hormone secretion is regulated?
  5. What is acromegaly? What are the features of acromegaly?
  6. What are the raw materials required the thyroid hormone synthesis?
  7. Briefly discuss two important functions of thyroid hormones.
  8. List the thyroid function test.
  9. Write a short note :
  • Goiter
  • Cretinism
  • Myxedema
  • Aldosterone escape
  • Life-saving hormone
  • Tetany
  • The anti-inflammatory action of cortisol
  • Cushing syndrome
  • Addisons disease
  • Aldosterone mechanism.
  1. What are the features of hypothyroidism?
  2. How plasma Ca2+ level is maintained?
  3. What is the function of free ca++ ion?
  4. How the serum phosphate level is maintained?
  5. How blood sugar level is maintained?
  6. What is the action of insulin? Its mechanism, describe-insulin is a hormone of energy abundance.
  7. State the consequences of insulin deficiency.
  8. Define diabetes mellitus. Give its type.
  9. State the tests are done to diagnose DM.
  10. Briefly discuss OGTT with interpretation.
  11. Name the hormones concerned with the regulation of body fluid.
  12. Discuss the regulation of the secretion of aldosterone.
  13. Name the hormones essential for calcium metabolism.
  14. Name the hormone of islets of Langerhans.
  15. Name the hormone of the anterior pituitary gland.
  16. Why cortisol is called emergency hormone?
  17. Name the forms of Ca present in plasma with their values. State the effects of parathyroidectomy. How can you manage a case of tetany?
  18. Name the location of the receptor of the hormone.
  19. Enumerate the function of the kidney.
  20. Differentiate between cretinism and dwarfism.
  21. How does the hypothalamus control the pituitary gland?
  22. Why is glucose regulation is important?
  23. What are the hormones of the adrenal cortex?

Reproductive system

  1. What do you mean by sex determination and sex differentiation?
  2. Name the gonadotropins. Discuss the gonadotropins in both sexes.
  3. Define puberty. Define spermiogenesis. Define spermatogenesis, give its step.
  4. What are the changes that occur during the capacitation of spermatozoa?
  5. State the role of hormone regulation of spermatogenesis.
  6. What are the functions of testosterone?
  7. What is the secondary sexual characteristics of the female?
  8. What are the secondary sexual characteristics of males?
  9. What is the source of sex hormones?
  10. Give the physiological functions of the estrogen.
  11. Discuss the different phases of the menstrual cycle.
  12. Discuss the hormonal control of the menstrual cycle with a diagram.
  13. What is ovulation? Describe the mechanism of ovulation. How we can prevent ovulation?
  14. Describe the hormonal control of ovulation.
  15. What are hormones of the placenta?
  16. What are the hormonal acting of the female breast and its function?
  17. Discuss the mechanism by which ovulation be prevented.
  18. Neurohormonal reflex mechanism of ejection of milk.
  19. Write down the functions of the Sertoli cell.
  20. Enumerate the functions of the placenta. What is uterine milk?
  21. Name the hormones secreted stress. Describe the action of cortisol on stress. how cortisol secretion is regulated.
  22. What is pregnancy? What are the maternal changes that occur during pregnancy?
  23. What are the indication of ovulation?
  24. Write a short note on:
  • LH surge
  • Corpus luteum
  • Milk ejection reflex.
  • Menstrual cycle
  • Spermatogenesis

Also read: Physiology notes