Questions Collection of Thorax and Upper Limb

Questions Collection of Thorax and Upper Limb

MBBS 1st Year Questions Collection of Thorax and Upper Limb

Thoracic wall:

  1. How an intercostal nerve is formed? Write about typical and atypical intercostal nerves.
  2. Give the boundary of the thoracic inlet. What is the structure passing through it?
  3. What do you mean by thoracic inlet syndrome?
  4. Draw and level a typical intercostal space. Boundary, content, and intercostal space.
  5. Give the steps of discretion of typical intercostal space and the number of it. Why they are called typical?
  6. Define the intercostal nerve. Draw and level a typical intercostal nerve. Mention its functional components. How it is formed? How it differs from the spinal nerve.
  7. What do you mean by the intercostobrachial nerve?
  8. What do you mean by any gos system of veins? Give their area of drainage and importance.
  9. What are the structures found at the level of the sternal angle?
  10. What is the external intercostal membrane?
  11. Give the branches of the internal thoracic artery.
  12. Give the venous drainage of the thoracic wall.
  13. List the muscles of forced expiration and inspiration.
  14. How bony thoracic cage is formed? Write down the movement of it. What is the diameter of the cage and how different diameters are affected by these movements during respiration?
  15. Short note:
    A. Azygos vein
    B. Thoracic duct   
    C. Pump handle movement
    D. Bucket handles movement


Thorax and Upper Limb | upper limb questions and answers pdf


The Heart:

  1.  Discuss the conducting system of the heart. Mention the location and blood supply of different components of the conduction system of the heart.
  2. Give the internal feature and development of the right atrium.
  3. Give the formation and relation of the base of the heart.
  4. How the sternocostal surface of the heart is formed? Give its relation and blood supply features.
  5. Give the structure of trabeculae carnage, moderator band, and papillary muscle
  6. Write the different parts of the interventricular septum. What is the pacemaker of the heart?
  7. Draw and label the arterial supply of the heart. Define end artery.
  8. What type of artery supply exists in the case of the heart?
  9. What do you mean by end artery and functional end artery?
  10. Give the origin, course, branches, and area that is supplied by the right coronary artery.
  11. Give the artery supply and venous drainage of the heart.
  12. Write about the clinical importance of the arterial supply of the heart.
  13. Give nerve supply to the heart.
  14. Mention the internal features of the right ventricle. Give its development. What is Fallout’s tetralogy?
  15. Give the development of the right atrium, Internal septum, and interventricular septum.
  16. What is angiogenesis and vasculogenesis? Draw and label different parts of the primitive heart tube, and give the fates of each part.
  17. Enumerate the different septal defects. Or common interatrial septum anomalies.
  18. What is fallout tetralogy?
  19. What is the probe potency of foremen ovals?
  20. What is dextrocardia? And it’s embryological basis.
  21. Importance of patent duct arteriosus.
  22. What is myocardium? Microscopic feature of the myocardium.
  23. Short notes: Pacemaker   
    A. Crystalloid terminalis
    B. The base of the heart
    C. Coronary sinus
    D. Superior vena cava
    E. Functional end artery
    F. Cardiacdullness
  24. Give the sources of development of the interatrial septum. Mention it’s congenital defects.


Thorax and Upper Limb



  1. What is mediastinum? Division of mediastinum.
  2. Give the boundary and contents superior mediastinum.
  3. Give the boundary and contents of the posterior mediastinum and middle mediastinum.



  1. What is pericardium? Give its parts, layers, blood supply, development, and nerve supply.
  2. Short notes on Transverse pericardial sinus.
  3. What is pericardial sinus? Discuss about it.



  1. What is pleura? Parts and layers of pleura.
  2. Give blood supply, nerve supply, and development of pleura.
  3. Why partial pressure is pain sensitive?
  4. What do you mean by pleural recesses? Give types and extensions with clinical importance.
  5. What is Supra pleural membranes? Give its attachment.
  6. Write short note on parietal pleura
  7. Give formation, attachment, and importance of Supra pleural membrane.



  1. Mention the visceral relations of the apex of both lungs.
  2. Give the difference between the parietal pleura and the visceral pleura. What is pleural recess?
  3. Write short notes on the respiratory membrane.
  4. What is lung bud? Give the stages of development of the lung.
  5. Give the structure of the alveoli of the lung and blood-air barrier. What is respiratory distress syndrome?
  6. Describe the median surface of the lung.
  7. Give the visceral relations of the mediastinal surface of the left lung and Rt. Lung.
  8. What is lung root? Give the structure passing through the root of Rt. Lung.
  9. What is bilingual of the lung? Name the structures passing through the hilum of the left lung.
  10. Define the bronchopulmonary segment. Draw and label the bronchopulmonary segment of Rt. Lung. And left lung.
  11. Give the nerve supply of the lungs with their effects.
  12. Blood supply of Lt Lung. Write histological features of the lung.
  13. What is respiratory epithelium? Why bronchopulmonary segment is not called a vascular unit?
  14. Histological structure of trachea. Mention their lining epithelium.
  15. What do you mean by a respiratory portion of the lung? Give its component with blood supply.
  16. Give the morphological differences between the right and left principal bronchi.
  17. Which bronchi is more susceptible to lodgement of inhaled foreign bodies? Explain why
  18. Give the different layers of the respiratory membrane.
  19. Name the cell of alveoli with their function.
  20. What is the hyaline membrane disease of RDS?
  21. Functional parts of the lung. Mention their components with lining epithelium.
  22. Give the lining epithelium of different segments of the lungs.
  23. Draw and label the subdivision of the bronchial tree. As well as Rt bronchial tree.
  24. Why lung abscess is more common in the right lung.
  25. Write a short note on the bronchopulmonary segment.
  26. Write about the cells of the lining epithelium of lung alveoli. What is RDS?
  27. Mention the surgical importance of bronchopulmonary segments.


Upper limb


  1. What is axilla? Briefly describe the axilla?
  2. Give the boundary and content of the axilla.
  3. Draw and label the brachial plexus. What is claw hand?
  4. Draw and label mean brachial plexus.
  5. What do you mean by prefix and postfix of brachial plexus?
  6. Give the supraclavicular branch of the brachial plexus.
  7. Draw and label steps of the formation of the brachial plexus. What is Erb’s palsy?
  8. Classify axillary lymph nodes according to their location and area of drainage.
  9. What is the wrist drop?


Shoulder joint

  1. How shoulder joint is formed? Mention its different movements with responsible muscle for each movement. Why it is a relatively weak joint? Name the ligament of the shoulder joint. How stability of this joint is maintained?
  2. What is abduction? Name the muscles causing abduction of the shoulder joint.
  3. Write the mechanism of the abduction of the shoulder joint.


Supination and Pronation

  1. Define supination and pronation. Mention the joint and concerned muscles for these movements.
  2. Give the origin, insertion, and nerve supply of muscle causing supination and pronation.


Elbow, Wrist joint

  1. Classify anastomoses with examples. Draw label anastomoses around the elbow joint.
  2. Give the formation, type, and movements of the wrist joint. Which muscles are responsible for it?
  3. Write about the formation and type of elbow joint. Mention its movements with related muscles.
  4. Name the ligaments of the wrist joint. Why rotation is not possible in the wrist joint?
  5. Mention structures passing superior and deep to the flexor retinaculum.
  6. Define carpel tunnel. Name the structure passing through it and mention the clinical importance.



  1. Write down the formation of superior and inferior radio-ulnar joints. Discuss their movements with responsible muscles.
  2. Mention the joints related to the clavicle and their type.
  3. Why clavicle is called a modified long bone?
  4. Name and types of the joint formed by radius and ulna. How they are joined with each other?
  5. What is the rotator cuff? How it is formed? Give its importance.
  6. Short note on:
    a. Annular ligament
    b. Intercarpal joint
  7. What do you mean by probe potency of foremen ovals?

upper limb questions and answers pdf


  1. Define dermatology with its clinical importance.
  2. Draw and label the dermatologist of the upper limb.
  3. Give the formation and distribution of the ulnar nerve, median nerve, and radial nerve.
  4. Give the formation, course, and clinical importance of the axillary nerve.




  1. Give the origin course, branches, termination, and clinical importance of the radial artery.
  2. Name the superficial vein of the upper limb.
  3. Write down the clinical importance of a cubical vein.
  4. Short note:
    A. Median cubital vein   
    B. Axillary vein
  5. Muscles: give the origin, insertion, nerve supply, and action of the Deltoid, Pectoralis major, Biceps brachial, serratus anterior, and Flexor digitorum superficialis.
  6. Short note on Deltoid muscle.


Hand and Palm

  1. Give the formation and contents of the carpal tunnel. Mention its clinical importance.
  2. List the space found in the hand. Write about the pulp space of the hand.
  3. State the nerve supply and action of the short muscle of the hand. Muscles of thenar eminence.
  4. Give the differences between the palmar and dorsal interossei of the hand.
  5. What are the muscles acting on the finger? Name the comportment of palm.
  6. Short notes on lumbrical muscles.
  7. What is pulp space? Give its formation, contents, and clinical importance.
  8. Give the attachment of the extensor retinaculum. Name the structure passing beneath it.
  9. How flexor retinaculum is formed? Give the cutaneous supply of hand.
  10. Short note on:
    A. Anatomical snuff box
    B. Midpalmer space
    C. Palmar aponeurosis
  11. Formation and structure within the carpal tunnel.
  12. Mention nerve supply and action of lubricants and interossei muscle of hand.
  13. Name the intrinsic muscles of the hand and mention their nerve supply and action.             

The pectoral region

  1. Gives the lymphatic drainage of female breasts and its clinical importance.
  2. Draw and label the structure of the adult female breast. its blood supply and development, and lymphatic drainage of the breast.
  3. Development and components of the female breasts.
  4. write short notes on clavipectorall fascia.


  1. Write down the muscle of the arm. contents of the bicipital groove.
  2. Name the muscle of the front arm. Give their origin, insertion, nerve supply, and action.

Cubital Fossa

  1. Give the boundary and contents of the cubital fossa.
  2. Clinical importance of bicipital aponeurosis.

Clinical Anatomy

  1. Short note: Carpel tunnel syndrome.
  2. What is the wrist drop? what is collies fracture?
  3. What is claw hand? what is Erb's palsy?
  4. Give formation, transmitting structure, and clinical importance of carpal tunnel syndrome.
  5. list the outcome of injury of the upper, lower, and middle trunk of the brachial plexus.
  6. give the clinical importance of the median cubital vein.   

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