MBBS questions collection of Histology

MBBS questions collection of Histology

MBBS questions collection of Histology


  1. Define cell, name different types of cells.
  2. Draw and label the fluid mosaic model of cell membranes.
  3. Give the electron microscopic structure & function of the cell membrane.
  4. What do you mean by “membrane trafficking”.
  5. Define cell organelles. Write the function of the mitochondria $ ribosome.
  6. Classify organelles with examples.
  7. Name the cytoplasm organelles and mention one function of each. Name the organelles' concern with protein synthesis.
  8. Name non-membranous organelles.
  9. Give the electron microscopic structure and function of mitochondria.
  10. What is the cytoskeleton of cells? Mention its function. How its basic structure is formed.
  11. Write the function of the nucleus. Enumerate the intercellular contact.
  12. Give the structure of DNA. Define karyotyping with importance.
  13. Write about surface modification of cells with functional importance.
  14. Distinguish between villi and microvillus. What is the cell coat?
  15. What do you mean by exocytosis and endocytosis? What is goblet cell.
  16. Classify intercellular junctions with example. Mention the functional significance of the gap junction.
  17. Draw and level the chemical structure of DNA? Difference between DNA and RNA?
  18. Why notochord acts as a secondary organizer?
  19. Short note:
  1. Lysosome
  2. Peroxisome
  3. Ribosome
  4. Organizer
  5. Differentiation
  6. DNA
  7. Chromosome
  8. Cytoskeleton
  9. Chromosome abnormalities


Cell division

  1. Define growth. Mention different types of growth with examples.
  2. Name different types of cell division.
  3. Define the cell cycle. Different phases of it with diagram. What is the G phase?
  4. Give the main event of different phases of mitosis.
  5. Describe chromosomal changes during mitosis.
  6. Draw & label different parts of the chromosome. Write about the numerical abnormalities of the chromosome.
  7. Name different phases of prophase-1 of the meiotic division shortly describe each phase.
  8. Difference between mitosis and meiosis.
  9. Write the differences of meiotic division in case male and female sex cells.
  10. How a single zygote becomes a multicultural organism?
  11. Define cleavage.
  12. Short note:
  1. Non-disjunction
  2. Anaphagic lag
  3. Meiosis in a female sex cell

Epithelial tissue

  1. Define tissue. Name the basic tissue of our body.
  2. Write the characteristics of the epithelium with an example.
  3. Differentiate between transitional and stratified squamous epithelium.
  4. Give the distribution and function of simple squamous epithelium?
  5. Short note:
  6. Transitional epithelium with distribution and function.
  7. Simple epithelium
  8. Compound epithelium


  1. What do you mean by stroma and parenchyma of a gland? Classify the exocrine gland according to the mode of secretion. With example.
  2. Define glands and classify them with example.
  3. Differentiate between serous and mucus acini.
  4. Define the exocrine gland. Give histological features of an exocrine gland.

Connective tissue

  1. Give the special properties, composition, and function of connective tissue.
  2. Classify connective tissue with example.
  3. Define glands and classify them with one example.
  4. Name the connective tissue cells with their function.
  5. Name the loose connective tissue cell.
  6. Write connective tissue fiber with its distribution.
  7. Difference between collagen, elastin and reticular fiber.
  8. Name the different types of connective tissue fiber with example.
  9. Short note:
  1. Fibroblast


  1. Define the bone. Give its composition.
  2. Name the bone cell with its function.
  3. Classify the bone with an example.
  4. Structure and function of osteoblast and osteoclast.
  5. Define the growing end of long bone. How will you determine the growing end? Clinical importance of a long bone.
  6. Draw and level histological structure of compact bone.
  7. What is periosteum? Give the structure and functional clinical importance.
  8. Draw and label developing long bone.
  9. What is ossification?
  10. Difference between Intra cartilaginous and Intra membranous ossification.
  11. Short note:
  12. Intra cartilaginous and Intra membranous ossification
  13. Haversian system
  14. What is Sharpey's fiber


  1. Define cartilage. Classify cartilage with example.
  2. Sites of cartilage.
  3. Histology of hyaline cartilage.
  4. Give the structure, function, and distribution of fibrocartilage.
  5. Give difference among different cartilage.


  1. Define joint. Classify joint with example.
  2. Classify cartilaginous joint with example and make a difference between them.
  3. Classify synovial joint with example. Give its characteristics.
  4. Draw and level a typical synovial joint and name the factor maintaining the stability of the synovial joint.
  5. Features of the synovial joint.

Muscular tissue

  1. Name different types of muscle. Write the difference between them.
  2. Discuss the difference and similarity between skeletal and cardiac muscle.
  3. Give the morphological classification of skeletal muscle with example.
  4. Difference between the flush and tendinous point of skeletal muscle.
  5. Identifying the point of skeletal muscle under light microscope.
  6. What is sarcomere? Draw and label the electron microscopic structure of a sarcomere.
  7. Identifying points of smooth muscle.
  8. What is a tendon? Mechanism of muscle contraction.
  9. Histological feature of cardiac muscle.
  10. How an intercalated disc is formed.
  11. Name the contractile element of muscles?

Nervous tissue

  1. Define neuron. Name its parts.
  2. Classify the neuron according to their processes with example.
  3. Define neuroglia cells. Classify with an example, function, location, and development.
  4. Name the supporting tissue in CNS and PNS.
  5. Define peripheral nerve. Why does it regenerate?
  6. Draw and label cross-section of peripheral nerve.
  7. Classification of the nervous system.
  8. Define UMN & LMN. Clinical features of UMNL & LMNL.
  9. Differentiate nuclei and ganglia.
  10. Short note:
  1. Multipolar neuron
  2. Motor end plate

Vascular system

  1. What are the constituents of the blood vascular system?
  2. Draw and label the histological structure of a medium-sized artery.
  3. Histological structure of the muscular artery.
  4. What is capillary? Classify with example. Give its sites with its function.
  5. Give the structural difference between capillary and sinusoid.
  6. Give the histological difference between a large artery and median artery.
  7. Classify circulation with example.

Lympho-reticular system

  1. Name the different types of lymphoid organs of the body.
  2. Name the primary lymphoid organ. Give the histological difference.
  3. Histological structure of the lymph node.
  4. What is lymph? How it circulates in the body.
  5. What is an antigen-presenting cell? Mention the components of the lymphatic system.
  6. Give the main lymphatic channels and their areas of drainage in our bodies.
  7. The important factor for the movement of lymph.
  8. Which lymphatic organ contains only T-cell? Give its histological feature.
  9. Mention the difference between lymph node and thymus.