MBBS 1st year questions collection of Head, Neck and Scalp

MBBS 1st year questions collection of Head, Neck and Scalp

MBBS 1st year questions collection of Head, Neck and Scalp

Head neck and scalp

  1. Define the scalp. Mention its blood supply and nerve supply.
  2. Name the layer of the scalp. Which layer is more important and why?
  3. Give the nerve supply of face according to the development of development background.
  4. What is the bell’s palsy? Draw & label cutaneous supply of face.
  5. Describe the venous drainage of the face with clinical importance & dangerous area of the face.


  1. Give the boundary and contents of the suboccipital triangle.
  2. Steps of dissection of the anterior triangle and its division.
  3. Give the boundary and contents of the carotid triangle.
  4. Steps of dissection of the posterior triangle with boundary and contents.
  5. Explain the arrangement and attachment of the investing layer of deep cervical fascia.
  6. Mention the clinical importance of the cervical rib. What is torticollis?
  7. What is carotid sheath? Name the subdivision of anterior and posterior triangle.
  8. Draw and labels the posterior triangle of the neck. Gives its boundary and contents?
  9. Parts and branches of the internal carotid artery.


  1. Boundary and contents of orbit.
  2. Name the extra-ocular muscles with their nerve supply and action.
  3. Trace the pathway of the tear. Give the effect of oculomotor nerve paralysis.
  4. What is the lacrimal apparatus? Give the location, nerve supply of the lachrymal gland.
  5. Mode of innervations of the lacrimal gland and its clinical importance.
  6. Short note: Lacrimal apparatus.


  1. Give the relations of the parotid gland? What are the structures embedded within this gland?
  2. Write the location, parts, structure, histology, relation, development, and blood supply of the thyroid gland.
  3. Why thyroid swelling moves with deglutition. Write the congenital anomaly of the thyroid gland.
  4. Give the nerve supply of the parotid gland. How is it opened?
  5. Give the development and histological structure of the pituitary gland. Give its blood supply.
  6. Mention location, histology, structure, blood supply, nerve supply, development of palatine tonsil. What is adenoid clinical importance?
  7. Short note: parotid duct

Mouth and tongue

  1. What is waldeyer’s ring? Write its importance.
  2. Give the development of the hard palate.
  3. How soft palate is formed. Give nerve supply and action of muscle of soft palate in swallowing?
  4. What is a cleft lip?

Nose and paranasal air sinuses

  1. Give the formation, blood supply, and lining epithelium of nasal septum.
  2. Give the different parts of the nasal cavity.
  3. Describe the lateral wall of the nose and its nerve supply. What is little’s area?
  4. Name the paranasal air sinuses and mention their sites of drainage with lining epithelium.
  5. Gove the anatomical features of maxillary sinuses. Why so maxillary sinusitis more common? How maxillary hiatus is closed.
  6. How the intermaxillary segment is formed. What is the fate of the intermaxillary segment?
  7. Mention the parts of the nose
  8. Short note:
  9. Nasal septum formation with blood supply
  10. Epitasis, little’s area
  11. Mucoperiosteum
  12. Olfactory pathway
  13. Paranasal air sinus


  1. Mention extension and interior of the larynx. Mention its nerve supply. Give subdivision of larynx with lining epithelium.
  2. Name the cartilage of larynx with their type. Nerve supply of larynx.
  3. Give the boundary and clinical importance of piriform fossa.
  4. Give the effect of recurrent nerve paralysis.
  5. Name the intrinsic and extrinsic muscle of larynx with nerve supply.
  6. Movement & formation of the vocal fold. Give its blood supply.


  1. Give the development of the tongue. Explain its nerve supply according to its development.
  2. What is foramen caecum?
  3. Give the histological features of the tongue. Give the development anomaly of the tongue.


  1. Give the boundary, content, communication, development, and clinical importance of the middle ear cavity.
  2. Give the parts of the internal ear? Give the component of membranous labyrinth and bony labyrinth.
  3. Give the structure of the organ of Corti and its importance.
  4. Write the development of the internal ear.
  5. Trace the auditory pathway.
  6. What is otitis media? Why it is more common in children?
  7. Short note:
  8. Tympanic membrane with development and nerve supply
  9. Crista ampullarisa
  10. Organ of corti



  1. Give the different parts of the pharynx with their extension.
  2. What is nasopharynx? Give its important features on the roof, posterior, and lateral wall. What is adenoid?
  3. Short note:
  4. Naso-pharynx
  5. Pyriform fossa
  6. Waldeyer’s ring


  1. Short note
  2. Vertebral artery( origin, course, and termination)
  3. Meningeal artery
  4. Internal vertebral venous plexus
  5. Artery of cerebral hemorrhage with clinical importance.

Venous sinuses

  1. Name and classification of the dural venous sinus.
  2. Give the communication & clinical importance of cavernous sinus. Write the effect of its thrombosis.
  3. Write down about superior sagittal sinus with clinical importance.
  4. Formation, termination, tributaries of the internal jugular vein.

Nerve and ganglia

  1. Name the peripheral parasympathetic ganglia. Mention their location and connection.
  2. Location, relation, connection, and structure supplied by ciliary ganglia.
  3. Name the nucleus of the facial nerve. the functional component of the facial nerve. Structure supplied by the facial nerve. Give its branches at the styloid foramen.
  4. Name the nuclei & functional component of the vagus nerve.
  5. Give the secretomotor supply of the major salivary gland.
  6. Give the formation and distribution of the accessory nerve.
  7. Nuclei, functional components, and division with the nature of the trigeminal nerve.
  8. Give the formation of a spinal nerve. Mention its branches and functional component.
  9. Short note: Bell’s palsy


  1. Name the infrahyoid and suprahyoid muscle.
  2. Give the origin, insertion, nerve supply, development of:
  3. Muscle of mastication
  4. Sternocleidomastoid
  5. Lateral pterygoid
  6. Trapezius

Bones and joints

  1. Name the type of atlantoaxial joint with their movement.
  2. What is fontanelle? Its clinical importance.
  3. Short note on the temporomandibular joint. Why it is called atypical synovial joint? What are its specialties? Gives movement and muscle responsible for each movement.


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