Are all on 4 dental implants removable?

Are all on 4 dental implants removable?

Are all on 4 dental implants removable?

Are you living with tooth loss and looking for a fixed, permanent alternative?

If you have complex dental cases or extenuating circumstances, dentists will likely prescribe you a traditional denture system to replace your missing teeth and restore your bite.

But what if you want something permanent?

Then you can consider all on 4 dental implants!

What are all on 4 dental implants?

All on four dental implants are made up of a multi-part structure that replaces natural teeth with a prosthetic set.

Each dental implant screw is fixed securely into the jaw, replacing the roots of natural teeth, and is then topped with either an abutment and crown combination or separate abutment and prosthetic crown structures, which replace the neck and crown of the natural tooth.

This design and the materials used ensure dental implants bond with your existing bone and helps to develop more, which locks the dental implants firmly and securely in place. 

Traditionally, this treatment uses 4 implants to fix a set of prosthetic teeth in place, hence the name ‘all on four dental implants.’ However, there are also clinic-specific advanced alternatives to all on 4 dental implants, like the EvoSolution™, in which a prosthetic sits on top of 4-6 dental implants per jaw – offering more benefits and more functional and natural feeling teeth.

All on 4 dental implants are a common treatment for patients with mass tooth loss and have existed for many years.

This treatment means that your dental implants are not removable, unlike dentures, and, with appropriate care, can remain in place for years to come – giving patients who were considering dentures a sturdy, natural-feeling alternative.

Benefits of all on four dental implants

All on four dental implants are a popular solution for mass tooth loss, thanks to benefits, such as:

  • A fixed, full smile

Unlike dentures, all on 4 dental implants do not need to be removed and won’t fall out or move on their own.

Some all on 4 dental implants can be fitted with a temporary prosthesis on surgery day, however, in some cases you may need to wait a few weeks or months if the provider you choose does not have an on-site dental laboratory.

It is therefore beneficial to search for an expert in full jaw implant treatments, such as the aforementioned EvoSolution™, which has on-site labs at their clinics and who can manufacture and fit a prosthesis in one day, hence the name ‘smile in a day’ dental implants.

This restores your bite on the same day – allowing you to smile, chat, and laugh with confidence again.

  • You can enjoy a varied diet again

As well as restoring your smile, all on 4 dental implants can bring in a new wave of culinary options or make long-time favourite foods a possibility again.

This is because they restore the bite and remain sturdy in the mouth – allowing patients to enjoy a wide range of foods once more.

What is the EvoSolution™?

The EvoSolution™ offers full-jaw rehabilitation to patients who have previously been told that they are not able to have all on 4 dental implants for a range of reasons, including:

  • Loose or failing teeth
  • Gum disease
  • Multiple missing teeth
  • Complex existing dental work, such as crowns or bridges
  • Lack of bone

These people may have then been forced to consider a non-fixed alternative, like dentures, which can slip and move in the mouth while speaking and restrict diet options.

If they choose the EvoSolution™ instead, however, patients will leave on the day of their treatment with dental implants that are uniquely placed and a bespoke prosthesis that is manufactured in their on-site laboratories – all in a single day!

Benefits of the EvoSolution™

The EvoSolution™ is an advanced alternative to all on 4 treatment that brings with it an increased range of benefits, which include:

  • A natural, comfortable fit

Each EvoSolution™ patient receives bespoke implant placement, in the pre-maxilla, pre-mandible, and Pterygoid areas as well as a prosthesis that is designed and milled in-house in on-site laboratories, so they fit your mouth specifically.

This gives a comfortable fit that mimics natural teeth, as well as providing a strong base to improve function.

You will soon be able to do everything you used to do once more, including enjoy a full diet, speak confidently, and smile broadly.

  • Increased number of teeth per arch

Most all on 4 dental implant treatments offer around 8-10 teeth per jaw, which is sufficient for eating, speaking, and maintaining the facial shape.

A clinic-specific alternative, like the advanced alternative to all on four dental implants, however, can deliver 10-12 upper or lower teeth – making chewing, talking, laughing, and smiling much easier and restoring full functionality.

  • A treatment for all with a prosthesis on surgery day

Most patients will need to fit certain criteria to be eligible for all on four dental implants, which can leave removable dentures as the only solution for those with what we refer to as complex cases.

The EvoSolution, however, is an advanced alternative to all on 4 dental implants – giving patients with more complex dental histories the option of a fixed alternative.

Solutions like the EvoSolution replace a whole jaw’s worth of natural teeth in a strong, reliable, fixed solution – restoring a natural bite and giving patients a beautiful, even smile.

This advancement means that more people can choose dental implants and can wave goodbye to removable, loose, and wobbly solutions and receive their new, fixed prosthesis that is fitted on surgery day!

Find trusted, nationwide providers for your fixed dental implant solution

If you have a complex dental history and can’t put up with removable solutions any longer, there is a solution for you.