Unshaven hair transplant in Turkey

Unshaven Hair Transplant: Experience the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey at Hermest Clinic

Unshaven Hair Transplant: Experience the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey at Hermest Clinic

Discover the transformative potential of the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey at Hermest Hair Clinic. This comprehensive guide delves into the pioneering expertise of Hermest, showcasing the revolutionary Unshaven Hair Transplant procedure. Ensuring seamless results with meticulous precision, this groundbreaking method is a testament to why Hermest stands unrivaled in the realm of hair restoration. Journey with us through the unmatched proficiency and holistic approach of Hermest, revealing why individuals worldwide choose the clinic for aesthetic excellence and discretion in their hair revival endeavors.


Causes of Hair Loss

Every year, millions face the unsettling reality of hair loss. While shedding 50-100 hairs a day is typical for many, beyond this can cause concern.

  • Genetics: Hereditary hair loss, also known as androgenic alopecia, remains the most common cause. Male pattern baldness often results in receding hairlines and bald patches, while females generally experience thinning.
  • Hormonal Imbalances: Conditions like thyroid disease, PCOS, and even pregnancy can lead to hair loss. The body's internal hormonal misbalance can severely disrupt the natural hair growth cycle.
  • Lifestyle: Factors like high stress, smoking, and poor diet can exacerbate hair fall. A body under stress might halt hair production, leading to thinning after about 2-3 months of a stressful event.
  • Medications: Drugs for cancer, arthritis, heart issues, and hypertension can lead to hair loss.

Thankfully, clinics like Hermest offer top-tier solutions, with the "Best Hair Transplant in Turkey."


Unshaved hair transplant process in Turkey

Unshaved hair transplant process in Turkey


Specialized Techniques Offered by Hermest Hair Clinic

Hair transplant in Turkey has become a beacon of hope for many. Hermest, in particular, has pioneered techniques that set them apart.

  • Unshaven Hair Transplant: This is the star procedure. Unlike traditional methods requiring shaving the head, this technique allows individuals to maintain their current hair length, ensuring that post-procedure, the transplant remains concealed. It is especially beneficial for those who are professionally active and cannot afford to show signs of a surgical procedure.
  • FUE & FUT Techniques: While the unshaven method stands out, the clinic also provides advanced Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) and Follicular Unit Transplant (FUT) techniques, ensuring a variety of options for clients.


Importance of Choosing a Reputable Clinic

The surge in hair transplant clinics, especially in Turkey, has made it imperative to select a credible clinic.

  • Safety: A reputable clinic adheres to medical standards, ensuring that the patient's health and safety are never compromised.
  • Updated Techniques: Hermest Hair Clinic employs the latest technology and procedures. This commitment to innovation ensures patients get the best results.
  • Experience: The proficiency of the surgical team can make a marked difference in results. A clinic with a history of successful procedures guarantees better outcomes.


The Hair Transplant Process at Hermest Hair Clinic From the initial consultation to post-procedure care, Hermest ensures a comprehensive and supportive journey.

  • Consultation: A dedicated team assesses the degree of hair loss, discusses patient's goals, and recommends the best technique, whether FUE, FUT, or Unshaven Hair Transplant.
  • Procedure Day: Patients are greeted with a fully-equipped facility. Post the surgery, patients are given explicit instructions for aftercare to ensure successful grafting and optimal results.
  • Follow-ups: Regular check-ups are scheduled to monitor the graft's health and ensure that the patient's recovery is on track.


Hair Transplant Longevity

The transplanted hair from Hermest Hair Clinic is designed to last a lifetime. Here's how:

  • Integration: The hair grafts are taken from areas resistant to thinning, ensuring they remain robust and long-lasting once transplanted.
  • Aftercare: Following post-op instructions, like avoiding direct sunlight and rigorous activities, ensures grafts heal correctly.
  • Maintenance: While transplanted hair remains permanent, the surrounding hair requires care. Regular hair care routines, scalp treatments, and occasional check-ups can maintain overall hair health.

In essence, Hermest Hair Clinic's reputation in providing the "Best Hair Transplant in Turkey" is not merely a title. It's an assurance of quality, innovation, and lasting results. With their specialized techniques, including the Unshaven Hair Transplant, the clinic stands as a beacon of hope for those seeking to regain their luscious locks.


FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some frequently asked questions regarding the healing stages after a hair transplant:

1. What is an unshaven hair transplant?
The Unshaven Hair Transplant, also known as U-FUE (Unshaven Follicular Unit Extraction), is a hair transplant procedure wherein the donor and recipient areas are not shaved. This procedure is particularly popular among those who want to return to their daily life without showcasing the obvious signs of a hair transplant.

2. Is an unshaven hair transplant good?
Yes, the unshaven hair transplant offers several benefits:

  • Discretion: Patients can keep their existing hair length, which conceals the transplanted area, allowing for a more discreet post-operative appearance.
  • Convenience: Those in the public eye or with professional commitments often opt for U-FUE as it doesn't require a noticeable change in appearance.
  • Comfort: Many patients find comfort in not having to deal with the drastic change of a fully shaved head. However, it's essential to understand that U-FUE might not be suitable for everyone, and the decision should be made in consultation with the surgeon.


3. Is it safe to get a hair transplant in Turkey?
Yes, Turkey is considered one of the global leaders in hair transplantation, known for its high-quality medical facilities and experienced surgeons. However, as with any medical procedure in any country, there are a few considerations:

  • Research: Ensure the clinic's reputation, credentials, and patient reviews are positive.
  • Certifications: Check for international and local accreditations.
  • Post-operative Care: Ensure the clinic provides adequate aftercare support.
  • Experienced Surgeons: The expertise of the surgeon plays a significant role in the procedure's success.


4. How successful are Turkish hair transplants?
Turkish hair transplants have a high success rate, with many clinics boasting above a 90% graft survival rate. Turkey's prominence in this field is due to:

  • Experienced Surgeons: Many surgeons specialize in hair transplant procedures, ensuring expertise and experience.
  • Technological Advancements: Clinics in Turkey often employ the latest technologies and techniques.
  • Affordability: The competitive pricing does not compromise on quality.


5. How much is a hair transplant in Turkey?

The cost varies based on several factors, including the clinic's reputation, the surgeon's expertise, the method used (FUE, FUT, or U-FUE), and the number of grafts needed. On average, hair transplants in Turkey can range from $1,500 to $4,000. It's important to get a personalized quote based on your requirements.

6. Who is the Best Hair Transplant in Turkey?

When it comes to hair transplantation in Turkey, one name stands out in the crowded field: Hermest Hair Clinic. Boasting a combination of top-tier expertise, state-of-the-art technology, and an unyielding commitment to patient satisfaction, Hermest has set the gold standard in the hair transplantation industry.


Why is Hermest Hair Clinic Considered the Best?

  1. Experienced Surgeons: Hermest Hair Clinic has a dedicated team of surgeons who specialize in hair transplant procedures. Their vast experience and in-depth knowledge make them leaders in the field.
  2. Advanced Techniques: Hermest is known for offering specialized techniques, including the highly sought-after Unshaven Hair Transplant. By staying updated with the latest global trends and technologies, the clinic ensures patients receive the best care possible.
  3. Patient-Centric Approach: At Hermest, patient satisfaction is paramount. From the initial consultation to post-operative care, the clinic ensures that patients are comfortable, informed, and satisfied with their results.
  4. High Success Rate: The clinic boasts a remarkably high graft survival rate, which is a testament to their surgical prowess and cutting-edge facilities.
  5. Comprehensive Care: Hermest Hair Clinic understands that hair transplantation is not just about the surgery. Comprehensive post-operative care, including guidance on hair care, medication (if needed), and routine check-ups, are part of the Hermest experience.
  6. International Recognition: Hermest Hair Clinic has garnered attention not just locally but internationally. Their clientele includes individuals from all over the world, further cementing their reputation as Turkey's top hair transplant clinic.
  7. Transparency: Hermest believes in complete transparency. Patients are given detailed information about the procedure, the costs involved, potential risks, and everything they need to know to make an informed decision.

In a country renowned for its expertise in hair transplantation, Hermest Hair Clinic rises to the top. Their unwavering commitment to excellence and patient care has rightly earned them the title of the best hair transplant clinic in Turkey.

For those considering a hair transplant, Hermest Hair Clinic provides not just a procedure, but an experience marked by professionalism, care, and outstanding results.