Causes of Joint Pain and How to Manage It At Home

Causes of Joint Pain and How to Manage It At Home

Causes of Joint Pain and How to Manage It At Home

Joints are essential parts of the body. Imagine without joints how would you move? If you experience pain in the joints, this is likely to cause discomfort. By extend, this can affect your ability to partake in your day-to-day activities. Joint pain is mostly associated with old age. However, there are many conditions known to cause joint pain. In this article, we explore five main causes of joint pain. Apart from using pain creams like Visiorax, we are also going to learn home remedies for joint pain.

Causes of Joint Pain

Aging is inevitable. However, as you age stiff joints become a reality. Years of use can have an impact on joints. From a medical point of view, there are many causes of joint pain. Some common causes of causes of joint pain include:

1. Osteoarthritis (OA)

Osteoarthritis is the most common condition associated with joint pain. While it can affect people of all age groups, it is most common in people over 50 years of age. Osteoarthritis (OA) results from wear and tear on your joints where Cartilage, wears away due to overuse. When this continues over time, the cartilage will no longer be able to protect your bones. This condition can affect any joint in the body if it goes without check, OA progresses and can begin to cause other symptoms including, pain, swelling, and cracking sounds when the joint is in motion. At the advanced stages of OA, you could develop bone spurs where the cartilage virtually disappears. Therefore when bones rub against other bones in your joint you will feel more pain, stiffness, and sometimes percent disability.

2. Underlying conditions

Research shows that joint pains can be a symptom of other diseases. For instance, Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease that causes muscle and joint pain. Joint pain is the first symptom for most people who develop lupus.

3. Viral infection

Some viral infections such as the hepatitis C virus (HCV) may result in joint pain. Such viral infections are common for people suffering from HCV or those with related rheumatic diseases.

4. Injury

The most common cause of joint pain is Injury. But what causes Injuries? From the excessive use of the joints to an impact that causes a fracture in the joint, there are several causes of joint pain. People, who indulge so much in certain sports, are more at risk of injuring their ACL.

5. Bone cancer

While this is a rare cause of joint pain, it has a high possibility. People suffering from bone cancer are likely to experience joint pain characterized by swelling or sensitivity near a bone. Although bone cancer is treatable, the outcome usually depends on several factors such as the size, location, and type of tumor.


Home remedies to joint pain

While Visiorax cream is the most recommended product For healthy joints and pain, most patients prefer home remedies. However, the results of using home remedies will likely vary depending on several factors including the underlying cause of joint pain. 

  • The rice method

The RICE method is the most common home remedy for joint pain. The method involves resting the injured area, applying ice packs, wrapped on the injured area. The area is then elevated to reduce swelling. 

  • Use of crutches

Another home remedy for joint pain is the use of crutches. This may also prevent you from putting unnecessary pressure on painful joints.