Abx Medical Abbreviation

Abx Medical Abbreviation

Abx Medical Abbreviation

Abx is the medical abbreviation for antibiotics. Abx also denotes Antibiotic prophylaxis. 

Abx stands for Antibiotic. The medical abbreviation for Antibiotic is Abx.

Apart from antibiotics, there are other Abx Medical abbreviation meanings.

Other Abx medical abbreviations are

  1. Antibiotic (Abx)
  2. Antibiotic prophylaxis 
  3. Abciximab
  4. Abraxane
  5. Ambroxol Hydrochloride

The meaning of the ABX abbreviation depends upon where it is used & how it is used. Commonly, in hospitals & pharmacies, Abx medical abbreviation stands for Antibiotic. 


What is ABX (Antibiotics)?

Antibiotics are the substances produced by the microorganism, that are used to kill or inhibit the growth & multiplication of other microorganisms.

There are two broad classifications of Abx (Antibiotics) based on the spectrum 

  1. Broad Spectrum Abx (Antibiotics)
  2. Narrow Spectrum Abx (Antibiotics)


IV ABX medical abbreviation

IV ABX stands for Intravenous Antibiotic. Intravenous Antibiotics are directly administered into the vein in the bloodstream to bypass the absorption of Antibiotic (Abx) in the intestine. Examples of IV Abx (Intravenous Antibiotics) are Ampicillin, Ceftriaxone, Cefazolin, Ceftazidime


PO ABX Medical Abbreviation

PO ABX stands for Per Oral Antibiotics. Per Oral Antibiotics (PO Abx) are taken orally. Examples of PO Abx (Oral Antibiotics) are Amoxicillin, Azithromycin, Penicillin, Cefixime, Ciprofloxacin, etc.


ABX sensitive 

ABX sensitive means Antibiotics sensitive i.e. provided antibiotics work effectively within the body of the person. Antibiotic sensitivity Test or Antibiotic Susceptibility Test is done to choose the most effective antibiotic for an individual against a specific infection. Antibiotics that are not sensitive to the patients are not given at all.


ABX resistance 

ABX resistance means Antibiotic resistance i.e. antibiotics will not work for an individual. Bacteria or fungi have developed resistance or overcome the effect of antibiotics. Thus resistance infections are very difficult to treat.

The most common cause of Abx resistance is empirical therapy of antibiotics which means using antibiotics unnecessarily in an inappropriate way or inadequately. 

Antibiotics are used for bacterial & fungal infections only. For viral infections, antibiotics are not used and shouldn’t be used. They are used to kill bacteria, prevent their spread & limit their growth. So, Antibiotics are not always the answer for treatment.


Use of Antibiotics (ABX)

Commonly, antibiotics (Abx) are used in infections like bloodstream infections (Spesis), urinary tract infections, skin abscesses, streptococcal sore throat, bacterial pneumonia, septic arthritis, Osteomyelitis, Cellulitis, etc.


Side effects of Abx Medication

Common side effects of Abx medication include rash, allergy, nausea, dizziness, diarrhea, and susceptibility to other infections.