Do I Need a Lawyer to Help in Qualifying for Disability Insurance Benefits

Do I Need a Lawyer to Help in Qualifying for Disability Insurance Benefits?

Do I Need a Lawyer to Help in Qualifying for Disability Insurance Benefits?

While it’s not a requirement, getting a lawyer can help in many ways. This is because claiming disability benefits not only follows complex criteria but also a lengthy filing process. It can be daunting to deal with this process all by yourself. Especially when you don’t know where to start. Therefore, overlooking essential details or missing out on crucial documents becomes quite easy. A lawyer, however, will know all the prerequisites and can help complete the process correctly.

Completing the Claim Application

Because of the high rejection rate, submitting the initial application can seem stressful. The rejection is often because of the level of detail required and the complex nature of the paperwork. Nearly 70% of initial applications are rejected, increasing uncertainty. A lawyer can help streamline the process by using their expertise to increase the chances of approval. They will understand the little complications of filing the claim right, helping alleviate stress.

Managing Additional Document Requirement

After the initial application process, the disability examiner may request additional documents before deciding on the claim. These documents can include employment history, additional medical records, education and training records, and records of ongoing treatments. Collecting all these documents can be even more taxing than the initial application. A lawyer, however, can collect all these on your behalf to ensure the timely provision of all necessary documentation. Thus, their intervention can also increase the case’s speed by expediting the record-collection process.

Evaluating Medical Documents

Disability benefits claims often get denied solely because of inadequate provision of medical records, resulting in medical repudiation. This is because the claims require not mere medical records of the disability but also relevant records and testimonies from medical practitioners for your inability to work. Which can cause the process to be tedious for you. Here, a disability benefits attorney can reduce the risk of claim denial by ensuring the timely collection and sorting of all relevant medical records, present and past. They can also evaluate the testimonies’ adequacy and validity.

Ensuring Timely and Accurate Filing

Even if the documents provided with the application are correct, the claim can still be rejected if the filing is not as asked. This may be because of just minor issues, like typos or omissions, but can have a significant implication. A disability benefits lawyer will take time to make sure that data is input and filed correctly. They will also understand the time limits better, including the retroactive benefit and expiration of work credits, thus reducing the chances of missing crucial deadlines. With their help, your attorney can ensure that all your details are in order and you aren’t missing any important paperwork.

Advising on Additional Options

There are many complex alternative routes when considering filing for benefits, often resulting in the choosing of the improper channel. Here, a disability lawyer can provide information about all possible channels and their benefits for your situation. Later, if the initial application is denied, a disability denial attorney at Marc Whitehead & Associates may help you strengthen the case by reflecting on the bases of the denial. They may also guide you towards other benefits, like SSI or VRS, or suggest additional strategies, like pursuing workplace accommodations. This will, thus, ensure that you’re well-informed to secure the necessary support.


While hiring a lawyer to file for benefits is not mandatory, the benefits of getting one are signification. Hiring the right lawyer can easily lower the stress arising from the complex nature of the process, the need for meticulous evaluation of relevant documents, and the high rejection rate. Moreover, their knowledge of additional options will allow you to explore additional support and reduce the risk of rejection. This process can be stressful to work on by yourself. Having a competent lawyer on your side can make all the difference.