Skin tag on nipple

Skin Tag On Nipple

Skin tag on nipple

Skin tags on the nipple are small, benign, harmless growths attached to the skin by a small peduncle or skin stalk. Skin tags are a common condition that can develop on any part of the body, including the nipple. While skin tags are generally harmless and don't require treatment, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort or irritation. In this article, we will discuss skin tags on the nipple, their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

What are skin tags?

Skin tags are small, benign, harmless growths that typically develop on areas of the body where skin rubs against skin or clothing, such as the neck, armpits, and groin. They are often described as looking like small balloons or mushrooms and can vary in size from a tiny pinhead to a few millimeters in diameter. Skin tags are usually flesh-colored or slightly darker and can be flat or raised.

What causes skin tags on the nipple?

The exact cause of skin tags is not known, but they are believed to develop due to the friction or rubbing of skin against clothing or other skin surfaces. Hormonal changes may also play a role in the development of skin tags, as they are more common during pregnancy and in people with certain medical conditions like diabetes.

Skin tags on the nipple can also be caused by breastfeeding. When a baby latches onto the nipple, it can cause tiny tears in the skin, leading to the development of skin tags.

Types of skin tags on the nipple

The common types of skin tags on the nipple are

  • Cylindrical
  • Drop shaped 
  • Pedunculated 
  • Filiform 
  • Spherical 

Image of Simple spherical white skin tag on the nipple

Skin tag on nipple


Image of pedunculated skin tag on nipple

Pedunculated skin tag on nipple


Image of skin tag on nipple of male

Skin tag on nipple of male


Image of aggregated pedunculated skin tag of nipple 

Pedunculated skin tag on nipple


What are the symptoms of skin tags on the nipple?

Skin tags on the nipple are generally harmless and do not cause any symptoms. However, they can be unsightly and cause discomfort or irritation if they rub against clothing or other skin surfaces. In rare cases, skin tags on the nipple can become infected or bleed, causing pain and swelling.

How are skin tags on the nipple diagnosed?

Skin tags on the nipple can be diagnosed through a physical examination by a Health Advisor. In some cases, a biopsy may be performed to rule out any other underlying malignancy conditions.

Skin tag on nipple during pregnancy

Skin tags are common in pregnancy due to hormonal changes, weight gain, tension on the skin, and due to breastfeeding. They are usually benign, harmless, and does not require any intervention unless those skin tags are bothering you or for cosmetic purpose.

Most importantly, most women often get confused between the Montgomery tubercle and skin tags on the nipple during pregnancy. Montgomery tubercles are the small bumps of the sebaceous gland that appear around the areola (dark area) of the nipple. These sebaceous glands underneath the areola of the breast, lubricate and are kept mosturised to the areola and nipple. They are more prominent during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to hormonal changes and they are completely normal, which one should have to worry about, and require no intervention.

Difference between Montgomery tubercles and skin tag on nipple

The difference between Montgomery tubercles and skin tags on nipples is Montgomery tubercles are usually physiological, a small bump of the sebaceous gland, more prominent during pregnancy and breastfeeding, and require no intervention. On the other hand skin tags on nipples are usually benign, harmless growths of the skin, which one can remove if they bother you or for cosmetic purposes.

Difference between Montgomery tubercles and skin tag on nipple


How are skin tags on the nipple treated?

Skin tags on the nipple usually do not require treatment, as they are benign and harmless. However, if they are causing discomfort or irritation, they can be removed through a variety of methods.

One standard method of removing skin tags is through cauterization, in which the skin tag is burned off using a special device. Another method is to freeze the skin tag using liquid nitrogen, a process called cryotherapy. Skin tags can also be removed through surgical excision, in which the tag is cut off using a scalpel or scissors.

How to get rid of skin tags on nipples?

In summary, the methods of removal of skin tags on nipples for cosmetic purposes are:

  1. Simple surgical incision often with scissors
  2. Electrosurgery (Diathermy)
  3. Cryotherapy (freezing using liquid nitrogen)
  4. Ligation over the neck of skin tags

It is important to note that while these methods are generally safe, there is a risk of scarring or infection. It is always best to consult with a healthcare professional before attempting to remove a skin tag on your own.

Chest and Nipple Skin Tag Removal by Electrosurgery (Diathermy) Video


Image of before removal vs. after removal of skin tag on nipple by simple excision of skin tag by scissors. 

Before & after removal of skin tag on nipple


How long does it take to heal the scab or scar after the removal of skin tags on the nipple?

It usually takes around 3 - 4 weeks to completely heal the scab or scar after the removal of skin tags on the nipple.

Preventing skin tags on the nipple of women

While it may not be possible to prevent skin tags completely, there are some steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing them on the nipple:

  • Avoid wearing tight or restrictive clothing that can rub against the nipple.
  • Keep the nipple area clean and dry to prevent irritation and infection.
  • Use a gentle, fragrance-free soap when washing the nipple area.
  • If you are breastfeeding, ensure that your baby is latching correctly to reduce the risk of developing skin tags.

When to see a healthcare professional

If you notice any changes in the appearance or texture of your skin tag, or if it becomes painful, swollen, or infected, you should see a healthcare professional. They can perform a physical examination and determine if further treatment is necessary.

In conclusion, skin tags on the nipple are a common and usually harmless condition that can be treated through various methods if they cause discomfort or irritation. It is essential to take steps to prevent the development of skin tags by avoiding tight clothing and keeping the nipple area clean and dry. If you have any concerns about a skin tag on your nipple, it is best to consult with a healthcare professional.