Navigating the Long Road to Recovery After a Motorcycle Accident

Navigating the Long Road to Recovery After a Motorcycle Accident

Navigating the Long Road to Recovery After a Motorcycle Accident


Motorcycle accidents are almost always fatal. Being involved in a crash within the protection of solid metal and being flung from a motorcycle like a wayward tennis ball aren't the same. Consider the motorcyclist lands on the aforementioned solid metal or cold, hard, and unforgiving concrete and it's clear how harrowing motorcycle accidents can be. And the final nail in the coffin? Many motorcycle accidents happen due to the negligence of other drivers.

"Even the most observant and cautious motorcyclists can be involved in a motorcycle accident caused by another driver’s negligence. Many motorcycle accidents are caused by drivers not respecting the rules of the road with several motorcycle crashes often resulting in more serious injuries than other road accidents.

" Motorcycle accidents are also more complicated than car crashes and insurance companies may find it easy to deny your claim without proper legal representation. If you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident in California, contact an experienced motorcycle accident attorney," says, a program created by The Barnes Firm dedicated to making California roads safe for all motorcyclists.

But how dangerous are motorcycle accidents? We'll discuss this below.


How Dangerous Are Motorcycle Accidents?

Riding a motorcycle is a risky endeavor and some numbers prove this. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), "motorcyclists are about 28 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash and were 4 times more likely to be injured," according to vehicle miles traveled.

It's been found out that many drivers don't "see motorcyclists" even when they are in plain sight. It's not that these drivers are visually challenged, it's more about a phenomenon referred to as inattentional blindness. This coupled with the fact that many motorists misjudge motorcyclists' speeds result in fatal injuries for motorcyclists.


How To Recover From An Accident

A. Physical Therapy

Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may need physical therapy after an accident. In many cases, your doctor will recommend physical therapy if they feel it will benefit you.

Physical therapy offers many advantages such as strengthening muscles and improving your range of vision. This can improve outcomes from drug therapy and prevent long-term complications of the injuries.

Depending on how serious your injuries are, you may not be able to recover full use of some body parts but physical therapy can help maximize the functionality of the injured parts.

It's not unusual for motorcycle accident victims to seek physical therapy themselves especially if they feel it can benefit them. But even so, you should have a chat with your doctor before starting physical therapy.


B. Seek Help For Mental Health

Many people tend to overlook the mental effects of an accident. But mental health is a very real thing. Even when someone doesn't suffer any physical injury in an accident, the mental effects of the accident may linger and affect everyday life.

People experience a myriad of emotions after an accident. For some, it's the feeling of helplessness, anxiety, fear, and so on. It's normal to feel any of these emotions after an accident but when they persist and start to affect your day-to-day life, then it's time you sought help.

Many people think seeking help for mental health is a sign of weakness, something that couldn't be further from the truth. If anything, it's a sign of strength and character to acknowledge that all is not well with you mentally and then take steps to rectify the problem.

Counseling has been shown to help accident victims with psychological problems. Your primary health care provider can refer you to a counselor or specialist for treatment.


C. Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle

While everyone should always strive to adopt a healthy lifestyle, it's even more important to leave healthy when you are injured to hasten your recovery. If you smoke before your accident, stop smoking or reduce how often you smoke as much as you can as smoking slows down the body's healing.

Your doctor may prescribe supplements like calcium and vitamin C depending on your injuries. Be sure to take these supplements as directed.

Eat a balanced diet consisting of several essential nutrients like carbohydrates, lean protein, and a healthy amount of fat. Fresh vegetables and fruits are your best friends when recovering from any injury. Eat more chicken and fish instead of red meat.

Your recovery time isn't the time to try out any special or fad diet. Your body needs as many nutrients as it can get during this period and that's what you should strive to do.