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The Power of Habit pdf
The Power of Habit pdf

The Power of Habit pdf


The Power of Habit pdf

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Book Name: The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business
Author: Charles Duhigg
File size: 11.3 MB
Pages: 415
Google Drive Link

Download The Power of Habit pdf, 11.3 MB, 415 pages, a high-quality pdf format as a Google Drive Link.

Charles Duhigg's best-selling book "The Power of Habit: Why We Do What We Do in Life and Business" was released in 2012. Duhigg examines the science of habit formation and how habits affect people's lives, organizations, and communities in this book. There are three sections to the book: 

1. The Habits of Individuals: Duhigg explores the neural processes that underlie the development of habits, outlining the cue, routine, reward cycle of a habit and describing how this loop can be understood and manipulated to alter a habit.

2. The Habits of Successful Organizations: This section looks at how habits affect productivity, safety, and effectiveness as well as how they can mold corporate cultures. Duhigg shows how habits affect organizational effectiveness using examples from a range of businesses and sectors.

3. The Habits of Societies: In order to show how habits may significantly alter social change and influence group behavior, Duhigg looks at societal habits like the toothpaste industry and the civil rights movement.

Throughout the book, Duhigg offers insights into the power of habits and how they may be changed to better personal and professional life by fusing factual research with captivating tales and case studies. "The Power of Habit" is a well-liked book for people interested in psychology, business management, and personal development because of its positive reviews and practical recommendations.