PJ Mehta Practical Medicine pdf - Emedicodiary


PJ Mehta Practical Medicine pdf

PJ Mehta Practical Medicine pdf


PJ Mehta Practical Medicine pdf

Download PJ Mehta Practical Medicine pdf

20th Edition of PJ Mehta Practical Medicine

File Size: 70 MB

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PJ Mehta Practical Medicine is one of the popular book loved by many undergraduate medical students. The contents in this book has been divided into following headings.

  1. History taking & symptomatology
  2. General Examination
  3. Abdomen
  4. Respiratory system
  5. Cardiovascular system
  6. Central nervous system
  7. Medical Emergencies
  8. Electrocardiography
  9. Radiology
  10. InstrumentsProcedures
  11. Hematology
  12. Clinical Pathology
  13. Pathology Specimens
  14. Drugs

PJ Mehta Practical Medicine, 20th Edition," edited by S. P. Mehta, S. R. Joshi, and Nihar P. Mehta, is a highly valuable and comprehensive resource designed to cater to the needs of both medical students and practitioners. This extensively revised edition offers practical insights and essential knowledge across various areas of medicine. Download PJ Mehta Practical Medicine pdf as google drive link.