Lord of the Flies pdf - Emedicodiary


Lord of the Flies pdf
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Lord of the Flies pdf


Lord of the Flies pdf

Download Lord of the Flies pdf, 2.2 MB, a high-quality pdf format as a Google Drive Link.

Book Name: Lord of the Flies
Author: William Golding
File size:  2.2 MB
Pages: 234
Google Drive Link

Download Lord of the Flies pdf, 2.2 MB, 234 pages, a high-quality pdf format as a Google Drive Link.

"Lord of the Flies" is a novel written by British author William Golding, first published in 1954. The story follows a group of British boys who find themselves stranded on a deserted island after their plane crashes. Without any adult supervision, they attempt to govern themselves and establish order, but chaos and savagery soon consume their society.

The central conflict in the novel arises between Ralph, who represents order, democracy, and civilization, and Jack, who embodies savagery, tyranny, and the desire for power. As the boys struggle to survive and maintain a semblance of society, their inherent instincts and primal impulses gradually override their attempts at civilization.

The title "Lord of the Flies" refers to the literal translation of the name Beelzebub, a biblical demon associated with chaos and evil. It symbolizes the darkness that resides within human nature and the capacity for violence and brutality when societal constraints are removed.