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Animal Farm pdf
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Animal Farm pdf


Animal Farm pdf

Download Animal Farm pdf, 0.9 MB, a high-quality pdf format as a Google Drive Link.

Book Name: Animal Farm
Author: George Orwell
File size:  0.9 MB
Pages: 95
Google Drive Link

Download Animal Farm pdf, 0.9 MB, 95 pages, a high-quality pdf format as a Google Drive Link.

"Animal Farm" is a classic novel written by George Orwell, first published in England in 1945. It's a satirical allegory that uses farm animals to represent various figures and concepts from the Russian Revolution of 1917 and the subsequent Stalinist era of the Soviet Union.

The story takes place on a farm where the animals, led by the pigs, revolt against their human owner, Mr. Jones, and establish their own society based on principles of equality and fairness. The pigs, notably Napoleon and Snowball, take leadership roles, with Snowball representing Trotsky and Napoleon representing Stalin.

Initially, the farm operates under the principles of Animalism, but over time, the pigs begin to consolidate power for themselves, becoming increasingly authoritarian and corrupt. They manipulate language and use propaganda to maintain control, betraying the original ideals of the revolution.

The famous phrase "All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others" encapsulates the hypocrisy and manipulation that characterize the pigs' rule.